


Trade Conditions


Reliable and fast Registration of Family-Domains

The launch of new top-level domains is now changing the online landscape, and the newest entrants are the Family-Domains.

The Family-Domains are a powerful tool to get noticed on Google and other search engines in localized searches, with the added focus on a family or organization name. Since the domain ends with the family name of a person or the organization's name, this is clearly a great way to make websites and related tools an important aspect of branding. Given that Family-Domains carry powerful connections with history, values, warmth and belonging, the new top level domains will open up new aspects of online marketing and branding. From a social and political perspective too, organizations and cause-based initiatives will love the new freedom to create online properties that are exclusively and personally theirs. The Family-Domains come with Mom-Domains and Dad-Domains as well.

Family-Domains can be registered by any family, group, organization or business, and used to share customized content in the form of stories, photographs, ideas and other information. These can also be used to further extend an existing network. The fact that the new and localized domains lead to better rankings was recently demonstrated in the case of Berlin domains.

Searchmetrics found that these domains were ranking better in regional searches on Google compared to generic, old domains with .de or .com extensions. According to the study, "in 42% of search queries, .berlin domains have ranked better on a local level." These results are known to be transferable to other top-level domains, including the Family domains.

According to Total Websites, Google takes the domain extension into account as an important factor in its search rankings. The study states that it is clear the new top-level domains improve search engine rankings.

You can get now Family-Domains at the General Availability.We register free Family-Domains fast and reliable.

The registration fee of Standard Family-Domains is during the General Availability 60 US-Dollar for each domain and year.

Here you can pre-register your name among the most important New Top Level Domains like the Family-Domain. We provide a couple hundreds new top level domains for pre-registration. You can choose which domains you would like using our lists. Click on the link to go to the order page of the most important New Top Level domains or search at the alphabetical list of the New Top Level Domains. You can also use our search engine to browse.

First Name

Last Name

Company Name





Zip Code




Register for me each domain at the price of 60 US-Dollars/year:


Register for me each domain at the price of 60 US-Dollars/year:


Register for me each domain at the price of 60 US-Dollars/year:


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I transfer the money to the bank account of Secura GmbH:

Stadtsparkasse Koeln
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I permit the debit entry of the sum according to SEPA. Please send the contract to me, if we have not already one.

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Account Number:



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Three digits at the backside of your Credit Card (CVC) :

By clicking at the button, you confirm a free, but binding pre-registration of (a) New Top Level Domain (s), which will cost at succesful registration 60 US-Dollars/domain and year and that you have read and accepted Trade Conditions, Registrants Rights and Responsibilities, the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and the policies of the registry.

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